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Join the MarketScale Creator Community, where we dream in B2B.

Become a MarketScale Editor.

The MarketScale Creator Community is a 500+ strong community of creators who produce video content, manage creative production, an deliver marketing strategy for some of the best companies in the world, many of which you’ve heard of, such as Intel, or Samsung. It’s hard to put in the incredible talent of the Creator Community into words, which is why we hope you’ll watch this video.


If you are looking for a flexible, remote opportunity to work a few hours a week with top brands in B2B marketing, and collaborate seamlessly with MarketScale HQ, this is the opportunity for you.​


If you would like to explore this further, please send a file copy of your resume for our team to review.

Flexible Schedule

Work asynchronously, with minimal scheduling commitments. 


Manage your time. Plan each week. And an hour worked is an hour paid.


Our Community gives you the best in remote marketing technology. Be empowered to work remotely. 

Complete a Test Edit to Join:


​Step 1: Download Your Materials
Grab this folder—it has all the footage, assets, and project files you’ll need. If you have trouble accessing it, reach out to for help.


Step 2: Watch & Get Inspired
Check out the
full-length video we created using this footage. This will give you a feel for the quality, pacing, and overall style we’re looking for.


Step 3: Dive Into the Edit

  • Open up the Premiere project file—we’ve already included some footage and assets to get you started.

  • Be sure to check out the "READ ME" file in the folder for extra guidance.


Step 4: Show Us What You’ve Got!

  • Work your magic and edit something that wows us.

  • Track your time on the project (just for reference).


Step 5: Writing & Communication Test

  • Strong writing and attention to detail are essential for video editors in a B2B marketing environment. Please complete the Writing & Communication Test to demonstrate your grammar, clarity, and messaging skills.

  • Click here to access the Writing & Communication Test.

  • Make a copy of the document, complete the test, and share a viewable link in the form below.


Step 6: Submit Your Edit and Writing Test

  • When you’re done, upload your final edit and project file to a cloud service.

  • Fill out the contact field below.

  • Paste the link to your test edit and link to the writing test and hit Submit.


Bonus Tip: Your starting pay will be influenced by the attention to detail and effort you put into this. Show us what you can do, and let’s make something awesome together!



​If you have any questions, email


"Since day one, MarketScale has been a place for me to feel comfortable being myself, expressing my ideas, innovating, and presenting my vision to impact the business. Through design and creativity, I can influence what we do as a company and where we are going in the future."

- Raul Reyeszumeta, Creative Director


Already part of the MarketScale
Creator Community?


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